Gaming and esports in becoming the main source of entertainment in Slovenia
2022.05.17Young generations say it is now an alternative to consume gaming content instead of watching TV or browsing social media.

35% of young generations play video games on a daily basis, while 73% of them watch how others are playing, shows latest research in Slovenia conducted by Esport1 CEE. The research, filled by 730 respondents, shows that the average playtime is more than 3 hours per day, every day. The research is representative for the Slovenian market.
Esports is a young, but booming industry of the 21st century, and it is becoming the main entertainment source of the new generations. Research in Slovenia, conducted by Esport1 CEE, a regional esports company shows that 35% of young people play video games on a daily basis. 80% of the 730 respondents play at least 2 hours on a daily basis.
Most popular games are shooters
Shooter games are the most popular category among Slovenian regular and hardcore gamers with titles like Fortnite, VALORANT, CS:GO and Call of Duty being on the top of the list. League of Legends is an exception among shooters, the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game, being the most popular esports title in the world, has raised several Slovenian star players, with Mihael „Mikyx” Mehle or Tim „Nemesis” Lipovšek competing on the highest level in Europe. While regular gamers are focused on shooter games, occasional players tend to play more with simulator games, with football simulator game FIFA being the number one on the list.
Gaming is an alternative of TV & social media
Occasional gamers spend around an hour per day by watching gaming content, while regular gamers usually spend around 1,5 hours consuming gaming & esports. The most popular platform for watching esports is Youtube, with Twitch being also popular among hardcore gamers. It is now more and more popular to watch esports and casual streamers via smartphones, more than 70% of regular and hardcore gamers watch gaming on their mobile device. When asking about their motivation, key indicators are the entertainment factor of esports and the gaming content being a potential alternative of watching TV or browsing social media.
They DO sports
Contrary to the stereotypes surrounding gamers and esports players, 3 out of 4 hardcore gamers do some kind of sports on a regular basis in Slovenia.
You may find the infographic with detailed stats HERE.
About the research: Online survey filled by 730 respondents (494 inside, 236 outside of the gaming community) between 14th February – 21st March 2022, with additional interviews.